Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.

“During her year of service as Miss America 2000, Heather worked tirelessly on behalf of our nation’s homeless veterans who have never had a better advocate. Heather has been called ‘every veteran’s daughter’ and I was priviledged to recognize her contributions by naming H.R. 936 on her behalf.” –Congressman Lane Evans
Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.
1357 Bardstown Road Suite B Louisville, KY 40204
Timeline of Events
Here you will find an overview of Heather's involvement in veterans' issues over the past 15 years. Heather and the Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc. have worked with community based organizations and government facilities nationwide to help create awareness on various issues facing veterans and their families.
1999 - 2000






2011 - 2012


“I acknowledge the tireless efforts of the original namesake of the bill, Heather French Henry, Miss America 2000. She dedicated her tenure to raising the Nation’s awareness of the plight of homeless veterans, traveling some 20,000 miles a month to visit veterans in recovery programs and offer encouragement. Mrs. Henry’s father and uncle provided the inspiration for her commitment to the issue, as they both suffered and recovered from substance abuse and ultimately homelessness following their military service. The work that Heather French Henry has done on behalf of homeless veterans did not stop at the end of her reign, but has continued on.” – Senator Rockefeller
“The title of Miss America brings with it the ability to reach out and connect with the American public, and by dedicating her platform to raising awareness about the plight of our nation’s homeless veterans, Heather french Henry is making a difference in addressing this important issue.” –Senator Reid
“Perhaps the most prominent spokesperson this year has been Miss America 2000, Heather French. Miss French has devoted herself to the promotion of the homeless veteran issue. She has succeeded in putting a human face on this national dilemma.” —Congressman Ciro D. Rodriguez
“Heather speaks from the heart and has true beauty – inner as well as outer. She is a breath of fresh air. It’s refreshing to see a young person with her commitment to the cause of veterans’ issues. Having a spokesperson such as Miss America will help all veterans’ service organizations.” –Homer Townsend, Jr., National President, Paralyzed Veterans of America
2014 - Present

© 2014 by Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.