Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.

“During her year of service as Miss America 2000, Heather worked tirelessly on behalf of our nation’s homeless veterans who have never had a better advocate. Heather has been called ‘every veteran’s daughter’ and I was priviledged to recognize her contributions by naming H.R. 936 on her behalf.” –Congressman Lane Evans
Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.
1357 Bardstown Road Suite B Louisville, KY 40204
Veterans Benefits
The Heather French Foundation provides the service of a veterans service officer to help veterans file claims for compensation, pension and other benefits due to our nation's veterans and their families.
For more information please contact:
Email: heathersveterans@aol.com
Phone: 502-384-5346
Or Mail to:
Ronnie French, Vice President
1357 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40204
Ken Moore, President
164 Baneberry Way
Hilton, NY 14468
Homeless Veterans
One third of America’s homeless are veterans, men and women who served in the military to defend our nation. In 2000, the number of homeless among veterans was a staggering 250,000. Today, the amount of homeless veterans has dropped to approximately 46,000 and, although primarily male, female homeless veterans are totaling near 10,000 and expected to increase.
While organizations and programs exist to help our nation's veterans --- wonderful programs coordinated by the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans service organizations and community-based groups -- they are not enough. These programs lack volunteers, wide spread awareness and funding to reach out to all those who need their services. Our nation's veterans need your help. Write to your elected officials and urge them to provide more support for veterans programs.
Providing transportation for veterans to and from the VA medical centers, assistance for nationwide Stand Downs, community efforts to provide a hand up to veterans that wish to find assistance in their community to get off the streets, get cleaned up and get a job.
What can you do to help…
•Donate your time and energy to a veteran’s organization in your area. This could include answering phones, doing clerical work, serving food, washing dishes or distributing clothing.
•Donate food to a local homeless veterans' shelter.
•Offer your professional skills and services to teach homeless veterans job skills so that they can once again become productive members of our society.
•Participate in a Stand Down in your community.
•Remind your friends that one in three homeless persons is a veteran.
•If you are a teacher teach your students about the brave role many homeless veterans have played in defending our country.
•If you are a parent, make volunteering for a homeless veterans program in your community a family event.
•Write to your elected officials and urge them to provide more funding for homeless veterans programs.
•Encourage your company or other organizations to which you belong to hold fundraisers or donate money to homless veterans programs in your community
Where To Go for Help...
The Veterans Administration is concerned about your benefits and wants you to be able to contact them for any questions you might have. Listed below are toll free numbers and a VA Facility Locator, searchable by state, for your convenience which are accessible nationwide:
•VA Benefits 1-800-827-1000
•Life Insurance 1-800-669-8477
•Debt Management Center 1-800-827-0648
•Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) 1-800-829-4833
•CHAMPVA 1-800-733-8387
•Headstones and Markers 1-800-697-6947
•Persian Gulf Hotline 1-800-PGW-VETS
•Persian Gulf TDD 1-800-829-4833
•VA On-Line telnet://vaonline.va.gov/ or via data line 1-800-US1-VETS up to 28.8KBPS at 8-N-1 modem setting.
•VA World Wide Net Home Page Server http://www.va.gov/
•Bulletin Board for dissemination of VA procurement information to vendors 1-800-735-5282 (or 202-565-6971 inside DC metropolitan calling area). Modem settings are 8-N-1 for ANSI terminal emulation.

Heather French Henry at the Kansa City Standown being greeted by a client of the event.
Heather French Henry at the Philadelphia Standown.
© 2014 by Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.